Business Intelligence

BNSF Intelligent Gate Operations

Services Provided:
  • Gate Operations
  • Technology Deployment
  • Driver Training
Starting in 2018, REMPREX deployed a revitalized gate operations service at 12 BNSF intermodal terminals. This new model helped mitigate costs associated with increased volume while improving safety and service. Without disrupting gate operations at the facilities, REMPREX gate operations was implemented and drivers were trained to use the new self-help tools.
New Self-help Devices
New Driver Self-help Tools
In order to centralize and implement the model properly, REMPREX created remote management tools, such as congestion monitoring, and minimized the risk of technology outages by adding redundancy to all aspects. Through that centralization and the addition of on-site driver self-help tools, REMPREX was able to further automate AGS operation at these facilities and improve overall terminal health and response time. Thanks to these tools, clerks in the command center were able to concentrate on the AGS workload to efficiently complete tasks while the on-site labor force was free to focus on system uptime and customer service.
12 Sites Across America